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урок английского языка
Цілі і завдання уроку:
Удосконалити комунікативну компетенцію учнів на основі навичок володіння лексичним матеріалом по темі.
Проконтролювати знання лексичного матеріалу (види фільмів; емоції, які вони визивають; прикметники, які характеризують види фільмів).
Сформувати навички використання лексичних одиниць в самостійних монологічних і діалогічних висловлюваннях.
Продовжить формувати навички по дефініціям лексичних одиниць без використання рідної мови.
Виховати почуття причетність до світової історії, пам ‘ятникам мистецтва, більш глибоке усвідомлення своєї культури.
Виховати толерантне відношення до інших людей .
Виховати потребу вивчення світової культури.
Ознайомити учнів з історією виникнення кінематографа в США .
Ознайомити з історією Голівуда, відомими акторами, режисерами, різними жанрами кіно.
Розвити пізнавальний інтерес і навички синтезу та аналізу в учнів, створити на уроці проблемну ситуацію по підбору прикметників з протилежним лексичним і емоційним значенням.
Розвити здатність до аналізу, синтезу, класифікації і систематизації, здатність виконувати продуктивні і репродуктивні мовні дії.
Розвити уяву.
Розвити здатність до комунікабельності.
Розвити дедуктивне мислення.
Обладнання: книга, фонограма, роздатковий матеріал( фрази, рекомендації фільмів), відривки фільмів, піс ня pretty woman, текст Hollywood

Хід уроку

I. Організаційний момент:
T: Good morning, children. I am very glad to see you. I hope, you are all right and ready to show your knowledge.
a) Учбова розмова про настрій учнів, поради учнів за темою :
T: Oh, what is wrong with you? Why are you so sad?
P1: I am so bored. The weather‘s awful. I am not in mood. I do not know what to do.
T: Oh, now. What can we do for you? Children, let’s give some pieces of advice and tell what she can do to rise her mood.
P2: You can walk with you friends.
P1: Oh, it is too cold. I am a stay-at- home. I am not interested in.
P3: You can go to the theatre and watch some plays.
P1: I do not like theatre. The actors speak so loud and I can not understand them.
P4:Let’s play computer games. It is up –to –date activity.
P1: I don’t play computer games. It is bad for eyesight.
P5: Maybe, you watch some new film with you friend, you can eat popcorn and then discuss it.
P1: I like your proposal. I really enjoy watching films. It entertains me. I will follow your advice.
II. Основна частина уроку:
1. Оголошення теми та мети уроку:
T: I also like watching films. We are going to speak about them. We‘ll repeat the genres of the films, describe and wide our knowledge about film- making, train your reading, speaking, listening.
2. Мовленнєва зарядка:
T: I want to start our work with such kind of question. Read it and try to express your thoughts.
P1: The film is the most popular forms of entertainment.
P2: The film is a reflection of our real world. It is always interesting to see it
P3: In the films we can travel everywhere; we can travel in space, get to know about the different countries, traditions and people overcame the enemy and fell in love with prince or a princess.
3.Активізація лексичних знань учнів за темою:
T: I support all your ideas and agree with you. I want you to pay attention to the word
FILM. There is another word for it “Movie “, it is American variant. You can use both variants during the lesson. So, let’s repeat the types of motion pictures

A) follows the same format as features, but use images created by artists.

T: Yes, you are right. Let’s repeat the types of the films. Look, they are on the blackboard. Repeat the words after me.
• A thriller
• An action film
• An adventure film
• A blockbuster
• A cult film
• A drama
• A historical film
• A fantasy
• A horror film
• A science fiction
• A war film
• A western
• A soap opera
• A comedy
• A musical
• A romance
• A cartoon
T: Look at the pictures which are the symbols of the films, you must tell the type. Use the expressions: I GUESS, TO MY MIND, I THINK
P1P2 P3
T: Now look at the parts of the films. You have the list you must put them in the order and tell about what this film is about and its title and give your recommendations



T: As you can see, there are a lot of types. Every person can choose the film that she/he likes. I like watching a comedy, because it is funny and relaxing. .And what about you? What do you prefer watching or can’t stand. Give your reasons. You can see the table of positive and negative adjectives, use them during the answer. The expressions on the blackboard help you to make your speech more vivid.
Amazing, simple, remarkable, delightful, charming, impressive, sensitive, gripping, funny, powerful, terrible, fantastic, slow, boring, violent, thrilling, breath-taking, superb, silly, fast-moving, witty, depressing
P1: I prefer watching a blockbuster, because it is fast – moving, gripping, powerful, there are lots of action
P2: I can’t stand a horror film, because it is violent and shocking, there are a lot of fighting and blood. They are always with predictable ending.
P3: I am keen on the scientific films, because these films are enjoyable, remarkable. I get a lot of information about our world, which surround us.

P4: I am fond of the adventure films; they are gripping, breath –taking, witty and fast- moving,
P5: I am crazy about a soap opera. It is simple story, emotional, superb, and funny. I relax while watching soap operas.
P6: I don’t like documentary films, because they are slow, boring, and heavy- going. I am fond of musicals. They are sensitive, delightful, charming.
T: Let’s play lexical football. Just imagine that you are goal-keeper and you have to defend the gate. Pupil tells you the words in Russian and you must translate. The best gool keeper gets a prize.
3.Читання тексту з повним розумінням його змісту.
a) Pre-reading activity
T: The film making is a money business. There is a centre of it. This place is situated in California. There are mountains, deserts and oceans. It is considered to be the American film making .Do you guess what am I talking about?
P1: I guess it is Hollywood.
T: Yes you are right. What is the word Hollywood associated with?
P1: As for me it is associated with movie stars and American smiles.
P2: It is associated with famous companies as Warner Brothers, 20 th century Fox.
T: All these things you can find there. Do you know what does Hollywood mean?
Let’s read the text and wide our knowledge. Pay attention to the pronunciation of these words.
Mary Pick ford
Douglas Fairbanks
Sidney Poiters
Steve McQueen

b) Reading
Hollywood is the name of a Los Angeles district which appeared in 1910 and it is also stands for American cinematography .It is part of American entertainment industry aimed at amusing, educating and giving the public what it wants. America cinema was born in the east when Patent Cinema Company was founded in 1908.It included 8 cinema- making films. Those who did not go into this company went to the West. The independent producers soon made half of American movies; the number of film companies in California was growing. In the twenties American film industry blossomed. Producers needed more money and American banks readily gave money as movies brought big profits. Producers grew more and more dependent on businessmen. Unknown actors could become famous in a day, poor people became rich all of the sudden and Hollywood became the town where all dreams come true.
The 1920s saw Hollywood as the centre of movie industry with a worldwide market. The production of films began in Hollywood in the late 1920s ad resulted in building huge sound stages many of which are used even now.
Hollywood helps to create the American dream and to convince people that the American way of life is the ideal one. At the beginning movies were like a dream giving an escape from reality and showing that longing for happiness and success could be fulfilled.
In 1913 Merry Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charles Chaplin, Bill Hart founded their own company United Artists. In the fifties several actors became producers – Lancaster, Douglas, Sinatra, Grant, Stars demonstrated their ability to be independent. In 1969 Barbara Streisand, Sidney Poitiers, Paul Newman founded their own association First Artists. Later Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman joined them.
One of the greatest events in Hollywood is the annual presentation of Oscar, the legendary figurine which is the highest Award of the American cinema academy. This organization was founded in 1927. Its aim was to further the development of cinematography. Every year in February the American press publishes the titles of films which have been chosen for the competition. On the presentation day there is a magnificent show in the Los Angeles music centre. Another tradition is the ceremony of leaving one’s footprints or handprints on the pavement in front of the Chinese Theatre.
C) Post –reading activities
T: Make the correct choice and complete the sentences
1) The word Hollywood means American
a) Theatre
b) Cinematography
c) A park of children
2) American cinema was born in the
a) East
b) West
c) South

3) Unknown actors could become famous in a day, poor people became rich all of a sudden and Hollywood became the town:
a) Where all hopes break
b) Where everybody can get a job
c) Where all dreams come true
4) Hollywood helps to create the American dream and to convince people that the American
is the ideal
a) A fast food system
b) Healthy Service System
c) Way of life
5) When some actors became producers, they demonstrated ability to be a
a) Famous
b) Independent
c) Clever
6) The aim of the American Cinema Academy in giving Oscars is to
a) Gather money for charity
b) Help the actors become famous
c) Further the development of cinematography
T: During the reading of the text we met some important dates of t he foundation of
Hollywood. Tell me what do the following dates and numbers correspond to?

T: To shoot the film is very difficult and rewarding work. It does not depend on one person. It is a co - ordinate work .Let’s play a game “A box of professions” You have the description of profession and must guess what it is.
1 ) the person who writes the script – a scriptwriter;
2) the person who chooses the actors- a casting director
3) the collective name for the actors in a film- cast
4) the most important acting role- a leading actor
5) A well-known actor or actress – a film- star
6) The person who finances a film- a producer
7) the person who decides how a film is made- a film director
8) The person who operates the camera-a camera man
T: We can’t imagine films without soundtracks. As we are tired I propose you to sing the song from famous film: Pretty woman and relax a little bit
4)Аудіювання ( розвиток вмінь говорити на основі почутого )
T: Just imagine that you are great critics. Tell what do we need to film a good film?
P1: We need money
P2: We need a good actor staff.
P3: I think we need a good script.
P4: We need them all, but without a talented director, the film will be a flop.
T: Yes you are right. I support your idea. What famous directors do you know? What can you tell about them?
P1P2P3 P4
T: What do know about Steven Spielberg? What films did he film? Now we are going to listen about him. Pay attention to those words and translate them in order to understand the text clearly.

A box-office success
A flop
A sequel
An Oscar winner


T: We listen to the text about one of the famous directors Steven Spielberg. Now I want to check the understanding the text. I propose you to become a famous director. We arrange a talk show with a snowwoman .Other will be the audience and must put questions and our actors must answer.
Children represent the talk show
5) Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.
T: Where and when do you prefer watching the film?
P1: I prefer watching films at home together with my family
P2: I like watching film at the cinemas, their special atmosphere.
P3: I prefer to watch films with my friends.
T: I propose you situations and some things, which help you to make your dialogue s more interesting. You work in groups and then some people, represent the dialogues.
The children represent the dialogue
The topics: At the box- office. In the family circle.

6) Організація роботи над закріпленням граматичних навичок.
T: Sometimes when we read about a new film we can give some predictions, whether a film is good and is not worth seeing. There are special constructions which help you to form your predictions.


T: You must look at the sentences and choose the right answer
1. The new Bond film is great. I hope it will/won’t win Oscar.
2. I might to be/be an actress one day.
3. I love Bond films. I will/might certainly go to see the next one.
4. I did not enjoy Superman, I probably might /won’t see the sequel.
5. The lord of the rings is quite scary, so children won’t/may not like it.
6. The plot of the Matrix is amazing .I ‘m sure you may/will enjoy it.
T: Now do you own predictions.
1. I am not sure about Saturday. I …to the cinema.
2. The first film was terrible so I don’t think the sequel … very good.
3. Johnny Depp is my favorite actor . He …ever … a bad film!
4. I enjoyed the film. I …the DVD.
5. This is a great action film. I’m sure you ….it.
T: As we told a lot of people made their dreams come true in Hollywood. The actors get the highest salary in the world I prepare for you the game:” A star way “You must take the star and try to guess about whom is spoken here.
7) Проектная робота.
T: How do you choose the film, which you are going to watch?
P1: I like the title I will watch this film.
P2: I pay attention to the plot.
P3: If my favorite actor is there I‘ll watch it without doubts.
T: As for me, I trust the film reviews in my favorite magazine. They never let me down I propose you to do the review and represent it.
The pupils represent the reviews.

III. Заключна частина уроку
1) оголошення домашнього завдання

2) підбиття підсумків.
Просмотров: 1908 | Добавил: наya | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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Я - Учитель!

XVIII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Умелые ручки"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Зимняя сказка"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Волшебный мир сказок"
IV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Жил да был Снеговичок"
IX Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Вальс снежинок"
XIX Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
IV Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
IV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Рождественское чудо"

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