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Разработка урока английского языка "Healthy eating is a secret of long life" 7 класс

СКАЧАТЬ (2.80 Mb) 15.06.2020, 19:58
Уразовская Яна Викторовна
учитель английского языка, МАОУ СОШ №3
English lesson "Healthy eating is a secret of long life"
Form: 7
Practical: to teach pupils to speak about their diets using key words, to develop pupils’ speaking by presenting information, to improve pupils reading skills;
Educational: to wide pupils’ outlook on the topic;
Developing: to develop pupils’ creative way of thinking, to motivate learners to communicate with each other discussing the topic;
Social: to encourage pupils to understand importance of a balanced diet;
Facilities: handouts, copies of the text, a computer, a song, pupils’ project.
T: I’m glad to greet you in a cheerful and merry mood. Today we are going to sum up the material on the topic, discuss some ideas, we’ll check up your knowledge, do some interesting tasks. Let’s get to work. Well, it’s about twelve o’clock now. Half of your school day is over.
– Are you tired or are you still full of energy to go on learning?
– Did you have a good breakfast before you went to school?
– What did you have?
– Did you have a light or a substantial breakfast?
– What breakfast do you think you need at your age? Why?
Warming-up activities
T: I`d like to start the lesson with the proverbs and you are to help me to match the beginning and the ending of the proverb. And explain their meanings.
Supplement 1
An apple a day… above wealth.
After dinner… is worth two in the evening.
A sound mind in … keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Early to bed, early to rise… pleasure, drink with measure.
Eat with… sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
An hour in the morning… is nothing without health.
Health is… a sound body.
Wealth … keeps a doctor away.
The main part
T: All these proverbs concern one topic and that`s the topic of our lesson today. What`s it? Right you are. It`s healthy eating and keeping fit. Today we`ll revise everything we`ve learnt about health and body care.
By the way, do you think about what you eat? Do you think whether your diets are healthy? All in all, do people consider healthy eating to be one of the secrets of long life?
Let`s listen to a report on the survey a group of pupils did last week.

Supplement 2
How much do you know about healthy eating?

T: As you see the problem of healthy eating is really burning nowadays and needs deep further explanation and research. Our bodies are a bit like a car. We need the fuel from nutrients that can be found in foods and drinks. But where do we find these specific nutrients and how do they help the body? To find out about the different food groups let’s look at the presentation you`ve prepared.

Supplement 3

T:Thanks a lot. So once more name all the nutrients our body needs to work properly.
Our body needs minerals to work properly.

T: Now let’s have a minute of relaxation.

Supplement 4
Reading Comprehension
T: And now I want you to get some new information about the balanced diets.
Pre-reading activity
Match definitions 1-5 with the highlighted words in the text.
1 Made from milk.(dairy)
2 Made in a factory.(processed)
3 Groups of cells of particular types.(tissues)
4 Information which proves something.(evidence)
5 The part of food we don’t digest.(fibre)

While- reading activity
Read the text. How does healthy eating affect our lives?
(Possible answers:
It can reduce the risk of illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and perhaps even depression.
Eating regular meals can help with energy, as well as mood and memory.
Healthy eating affects our physical and mental health.)
Supplement 5
Have you got the balance right?

Healthy eating really does keep the doctor away and it may also help us feel better. A balanced diet along with regular exercise can reduce the risk of illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and perhaps even depression. The human body needs three essential types of nutrient- protein, fat and carbohydrates – as well as fibre, vitamins and minerals. The key to healthy eating is getting the balance right between the different types of food. The perfect balance is to eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and carbohydrates, some dairy foods, meat and fish, but to go easy on the fats and sugars.
Nutritionists say we should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to get all the vitamins and minerals we need. These also provide fibre which helps us digest our food and control our weight. Carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta and potatoes, provide calories and other nutrients and should make up at least a third of our diet. While protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, it only needs to make up about 15 % of an adult diet. The body needs fat to absorb some vitamins, and some fats like omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the brain and may even help learning. Foods rich in unsaturated fats, such as oily fish and nuts, are better than saturated animal fats which increase harmful cholesterol levels in our blood. Processed foods are particularly unhealthy because they are full of fats, sugar and salt and are very high in calories.
So far, there is little evidence to show that the type of food we eat affects our mood. But studies show that eating three meals a day affects the way we feel. Scientists believe that eating breakfast regularly is even more important. Studies show that it improves our mood and memory, gives us more energy and helps us to feel more relaxed.
Post-reading activity
Read the text again and choose the correct answers.
1 A healthy diet can…
a help to prevent heart disease.
b increase the risk of depression.
с reduce the need for exercise.
2 What type of food is the main source of vitamins?
a Oily fish.
b Carbohydrates.
c Fruit and vegetables.
3 We need around ____ of our daily diet to be protein.
a one third
b 15 %
с five portions
4 Why do we need oily fish or nuts in our diet?
a To provide calories.
b To absorb vitamins.
с To increase cholesterol levels.
5 Which fats are not good for us?
a Saturated fats.
b Unsaturated fats.
c Omega-3 fatty acids.
6 What has the most influence on the way we feel?
a The type of food we eat.
b Eating regular meals.
с Eating breakfast every day.
(keys: 1a,2c,3b,4b,5a,6c)
Complete the sentences about your diet. Discuss how healthy or unhealthy your diet is. What should you change?
1 l eat a lot of ___ and ___
2 l never eat ___ or ___
3 My favourite foods are ___ and ___
4 l have at least ___ snacks a day.
5 l ___ eat regular meals.

Summing up
We have learnt much about health, vitamins, healthy food and healthy way of life. And in the conclusion I think we should make this magic flower. I will give each of you a colored petal and you will fill in it writing what you do to have a right diet. And then you’ll come up to the blackboard and fix your petal round the center.

T. I’m glad to see that our magic flower is so beautiful and you remember the main tips of a balanced diet.
In conclusion, I’d like to thank you for your work at the lesson. I really appreciate your work during the lesson. I can say you’ve worked really very well today. And have shown me how much you are able to do. I can be really proud of you. Your marks are . . .
And the last moment of our lesson is your home assignment:
Fill the Weekly Food Dairy http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/schools/4_11/uptoyou/pdf/toptip03.pdf

Категория: Блоги | Добавил: YanaU
Просмотров: 1072 | Загрузок: 25 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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XVII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Цветы родного края"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Солнечное лето"
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XIV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Созвездие талантов"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Фруктово-ягодный букет"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Семейство кошачьих"

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