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Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме “AROUND the WORLD’S MOUNTAINS”

· СКАЧАТЬ (6.48 Мб) 18.11.2013, 01:34
Хайбуллина Гузял Назыровна
учитель английского языка, МБОУ «Татарская гимназия №17 имени Г.Ибрагимова" г.Казань
Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме
учителя английского языка высшей квалификационной категории
МБОУ «Татарская гимназия №17 имени Г.Ибрагимова»
г. Казани РТ
Хайбуллиной Гузял Назыровны
Цели и задачи урока:
• расширение лексического запаса учащихся по темам «Погода» и «Горы»
• развитие навыков поискового чтения по теме
• развитие навыков аудирования
• формирование и развитие навыков монологической речи по теме
• расширение кругозора учащихся и обогащение их знаний по физической географии России и мира
Оснащение урока:
• УМК "Opportunities. Pre-intermediate”
• аудиокассета
• раздаточный материал (таблицы)
• компьютерная презентация "Around the World’s Great Mountains”

План урока
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
2. Речевая зарядка. Беседа о погоде.
3. Ознакомление и отработка новых лексических единиц по теме «Погода».
4. Аудирование текста - описание погоды в горах и описание состояния погоды на рисунках.
5. Вступительное слово учителя об известных горах мира.
6. Развитие навыков поискового чтения по теме.
7. Формирование навыков говорения по теме. Описание гор с опорой на информацию.
8. Групповая работа. Подготовка монологических высказываний об известных горах России.
9. Развитие навыков устной речи по теме. Реклама горных массивов России.
10. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

Ход урока
1. Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are things today? Is there
anything to boast of or to complain about? (Pupils answer the questions).
I hope you’ll enjoy our lesson. We are going to talk about the weather in different mountains and make a virtual trip to some famous mountains.
2. English people usually start their conversation talking about the weather. What’s
the weather like today? Do you like such kind of weather? Is it favourable for
travelling? (Pupils describe the weather: "It’s cloudy today. I think it’s going to
rain.”; "As for me, I don’t like such kind of weather. I prefer when it’s sunny and
hot.”; "In my opinion, the weather is not good enough for travelling”)
3. Today we’ll review the expressions which are used to describe the weather and learn some new ones. It is necessary for our virtual trip.
a) Look at the screen and match the sentences with the pictures. (Slide 3).
b) Now let’s read the expressions and give them definitions. Slide 4 will help you.
c) Well, can you describe the weather in the pictures choosing the right sentences. (Slides 5, 6, 7)
4. The next thing we are going to do is listening to the cassette. First of all, open your
Student books at page 97. You can find photos of three mountains there. Try to
remember their names, repeat, please!
Caucasus Mountains Table Mountain Ben Nevis
We shall listen to the cassette twice. Then you will say which mountain is
There is a mountain right behind my house. In the summer it’s absolutely boiling, with temperatures of up to 40 degrees, so I always go out in the evening when it’s cooler. The only problem is that there are sometimes storms with thunder and lightning. The spring is beautiful because everything is green and there are lots of flowers. The autumn is even better with the leaves turning colour, though the weather is quite changeable – a day can begin sunny and it can rain later. In the winter, the mountain is often covered with snow and it’s sometimes freezing, with temperatures below zero in the day and with frost at night (up to – 15 degrees). From the mountains, you can see the sea and the city below. It’s a lovely place. (Table Mountain)
5. Dear boys and girls! Have you ever been to the mountains? Where did you go? What did you do there? What was the weather like?
Today I want to invite you to a virtual travelling around the world’s mountains!
Look at the screen! Which one would you like to choose:
Uluru, the Himalayas, the Alps or Mountain Cook? (Slide 9)
(Pupils choose one of the four and on the screen appears the piece of information about one or another mountain)
6. Dear students! On the desks you can find a piece of paper with a chart. You should complete it during our virtual trip.
Complete the chart with the information about the mountains
Mountains Location
(where it is) Height
(how high it is) Special features
(famous for)
the Himalayas
the Alps
Mountain Cook

Pupils look at the screen, get the necessary information and complete the chart. Then, the teacher asks them to describe the mountains using the completed charts. (Slides 10-13)
7. Will you tell us where would you like to go on a holiday and why?
8. Well, students, do you know any famous mountains in Russia? Can you tell us about some of them? On your desks there are some pieces of paper where you can get some information. Work in groups and make up a text about the mountain in Russia for our website, please.
Card 1 The Caucasus
Location – in South Europe, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea
The highest peak – Elbrus- 5,642 m
Famous for – clean, fresh air; a good place for health; a lot of mineral springs
(mineral water); a lot of resorts (курорты)

Card 2 The Urals
Location - separate Europe from Asia
The highest peak – 1,895 m
Famous for – the oldest mountains in the world; rich in natural resources; a lot of beautiful rivers (more than 30 thousand); good for rafting; can see paintings of ancient people

Card 3 The Altaian Mountains
Location – in South Asia, Siberia
The highest peak – 4,500 m
Famous for – a lot of beautiful lakes; a lot of caves; the most famous and the deepest cave (345 m); popular place for tourism (climbing, mountain biking) (Slides 15-17)
(Pupils work in groups of 3-4 and make up sentences and then tell the class)
9. Now imagine that you are working for a travel agency. Advertise the holiday in one of those mountains.
10. Well-done. Now your home task. Will you find information about some other world’s famous mountains and make a project that can be used for our virtual travelling.

Категория: Конкурс "Я - Учитель 2013!" | Добавил: guzeln
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Я - Учитель!

XVII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Цветы родного края"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Солнечное лето"
II Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Такие разные бабочки"
XIV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Созвездие талантов"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Фруктово-ягодный букет"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Семейство кошачьих"

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