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Сценарий комедии "За двумя зайцами" (по мотивам пьесы М.Старицкого) на английском языке для учеников старших классов

СКАЧАТЬ (1.27 Mb) 31.08.2014, 00:34
Кузнецова Наталия Юрьевна
Преподаватель английского языка, Хмельницкий политехнический колледж
Catch two Hares
Цель: Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, развитие творческих способностей студентов, коммуникативных навыком, художественного вкуса

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор,костюмы,реквизиты по сценарию
Декорации сменяются с помощью мультимедийного проектора
Автор –( a Narrator)
Свирид Петрович Голохвостый – (hairdresser)
Прокоп Сирко – (a local shopkeeper)
Явдокия – his wife
Проня Прокоповна – their daughter
Секлита – (Sirko’s sister)
Галя – (her daughter)
Химка – (a servant)
Местный парень (a local boy)
Местная девушка (a local girl)

Для более комедийного эффекта желательно некоторые женские роли отдать парням (роль Прони, Секлиты, Прониной мамы и Химки)

(вступительное слово преподавателя)
Кадр 1 заголовок
Муз фон (минус «в гостях у сказки»)

Автор кадр 2
This story happened in one very beautiful city of Ukraine with some ordinary people. It could happen at any time because it is still actual nowadays. All the characters of this play are very vivid, bright and unique so only they could create such a situation that was discussed later by the whole city.
Действие 1
Let me introduce the first character Свірід Петрович Голохвостий
Муз фон 1-выход Голохвостова
(виходит Голохвостый – кланяется)
He is a simple hairdresser who wasted all his money and now he looks for rich girls who will deicide all his financial problems.
Голохвостий (в пиджаке и цилиндре, смотрит в зал на девушек)
What beautiful girls are here, like flowers, like sweets. Oh, my God!
(танго– Голохвостый танцует с одной из девушек из зала – местной девушкой) Муз. Фон2 - танго
Парень(курит) Oh, Свирид Петрович, we have just been discussing you.
Голохвостый Because I am a very popular person in this city.(кланяется) May I take a cigarette?
Хлопець (рассматривает его) What a clothes you have!
Голохвостий Of course,of course, I am a very fashionable guy. All my clothes are made abroad of foreign materials. What are clothes for a person? Clothers are everything! (демонстрирует свою одежду)
(видит Проню , направляется к ней)

кадр парк
Муз фон 3– виход Прони (Barbie girl — Aqua)
Автор. Pronya is a daughter of a local shopkeeper. She dreams about show-business. She thinks, she’s very talented and hopes to marry a rich man. Also she’s sure she has a very sophisticated taste.

Oh, here she is, my Pronya.
Bonjour, Mademoiselle. My heart is as hot as a hammer.
Проня Merci, Monsieur

Голохвостый My dear, Pronya, you have such French manners, I have never seen such a sophisticated girl. Let me give you a candy.
(протягивает ей конфету)
Проня (берет одну) Oh, I’m so tired of these sweets. I would better prefer exotic fruit.
Голохвостый My honey, I can bring you all exotic fruit which you want. Do you know how I love you! I want to make you a preposition.
(становится на одно колено)
I hope you find my words and discover,
What you mean to me in this life ...
I love you, my dear, you know it,
Don't cut pieces my heart with your knife!

Проня Do not tell me about love, please. You make me shiver and I’m such a shy girl. Come to our house in the evening, I will introduce you to my parents and you will make me a preposition at their presence.
(целует Голохвостого и убегает)
Звучит припев песни Абба «Money” Муз. фон 4
Голохвостий (показывает кулак) Пронька is here I’ll marry her and all their money will be mine.
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...

(видит Галю, которая скромно проодит)
Муз фон 5 виход Гали
(минус «Вдруг, как в сказке, скрипнула дверь»)
Автор Halya is a poor and shy girl. Her mother is eager to kill anybody who touches her daughter…
Голохвостый (к Гале) Do not be afraid of me, my bird, my honey.
Галя Don’t touch me or I will shout! Help! Help!
Голохвостый Don’t shout, just listen to me, my sweety. When I saw you at first I fall in love.
If you're going to love me and cherish
I will always answer you same,
And if there is no way, I will perish...
But my favorite word is your name!
You are the best madam in the world. I promise I’ll make you rich, I’ll give you all diamonds of the world.
(появляется Секлита)
Секлита Галька, what are you doing here with this mister?
Галя (оправдываясь)Mother, I don’t know him, who he is, where he is from. I met him here and he began to tell all these stupid things about love.
Секлита People, keep him, stop him, he wanted to offend my daughter! Help, help!
(хватает Голохвостого за пиджак, тот выкручивается)
Голохвостый Do not shout, please.
Секлита Police! Police!
Голохвостый Listen to me, please, I’ll tell you all the truth. I love your daughter and she loves me, I don’t lie, I want to marry her, she is a real gold for me.
(начинает клясться, падает на колени перед Секлитой)
Секлита OK. I believe you. Come to us tomorrow and we’ll discuss your wedding.
(все расходятся)

Действие 2
кадр 5
( помещение скмьи Сирко –мещанский интерьер )

Муз фон 6 –минус Частушки
Семейная пара Сирко сидят за столом и пьют чай
Автор Now, my dear friends, let me introduce you Sirko family.
Prokip Sviridovych – a local shopkeeper and his wife Yavdokia Pylypivna. They want their daughter to be educated, talented and marry a rich man.
(заходит Проня)
Проня Mother, just look what I bought for you!
(натягивает матери на голову чепчик, та упирается)
Mother, you must look very fashionable, because one very rich and handsome man comes to us in the evening to make me a preposition.
Родители (одновременно) Who is he?
Проня Свірід Петрович Голохвастов!
Отец He is a hairdresser
Проня He is not a hairdresser, he is a hair stylist, very rich and popular. I go to my room to prepare for his visit, call me when he comes.
Отец Very rich and popular!..
Мать A hairdresser…
Отец (перебиває її) Hair stylist! Rich and popular…
Мать But…
Отец Without “but”! You don’t understand – VERY rich and popular! –as usually, you don’t understand…
(поют на мотив «Ти ж мене підманула») Муз фон 7
Did you promise that on Monday
We will go to the Subway
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear?

You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe

And on Tuesday you suggested
We will travel to Manchester
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear?

You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe

And on Wednesday I was hoping
We will come together shopping
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear?

You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe

Did you promise that on Thursday
We will go to the birthday
I am here and you are there
What had happened with you and where?

You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe

(Родители уходят )
Действие 3
кадр 6 - комната Прони
Муз фон 8(минус “Даже если вам немного за 30”)
Проня начинает собираться, накидывает шаль, берет веєр, берет ноутбук верх ногами, обмахивается веером)
Входит Голохвастый, з тросточкой в цилиндре.
Голохвостый Let me introduce myself! Pronya Prokopivna, where are you? Maybe she is sleeping.
Проня Here you are. Bonjour! I was surfing the net, I’m so busy.
(входят одители, мама в нелепом чепчике)
Dear, Mummy, Daddy, I’d like to introduce you my boyfriend Свирид Петрович Голохвастый
(Голохвостов целует маме руку)
Мама Nice to meet you, мусье. Welcome to our house.
Отец Nice to meet you too. I see a very clever man. (целует его три раза) Are you a son of Голохвостов?
Проня Daddy, he is Голохвастий not Голохвостов, a very fashionable and popular person among show business.
Химка (из-за двери) Will I bring a wine and glasses?
Проня (топает на нее) Hymka, go out!
Mother Mister, you know our daughter studied at the University. She has a nice taste and many dresses.
Голохвостий Oh,yes, I see her beauty and taste because I have many fashionable boutiques, my work is closely connected with show business and such diamond like Проня can shine in show business too. May I smoke here? (достает сигару)
Проня Hymka, fire.
Mother Hymka, fire.
(прибегает Химка с углем на совке)
(Родители уходят)
Голохвостый (к Проне, беря ее за руку) My dear, my honey, you know that I can’t live without you. My heart is beating like a motor (кладет ее руку себе на сердце)
Проня Maybe it is your telephone is beating? (он достает из кармана телефон)
Голохвостый You don’t belive me? I’d be the happiest man in the world if you marry me!
Проня (смотрит ему в глаза) I agree.
(Поют на мотив песни «Подмосковные вечера»: Муз фон 9
Lazily the brook, like a silv'ry stream
Ripples gently in the moonlight,
And a song afar fades as in a dream,
In the spell of this summer night… )

Кадр 6 спальня Прони
(на фоне быстрой музыки и слов автора происходит подготовка к свадьбе – Проня наряжается и Химка ей помогает) Муз фон 10
Автор Сірко’s family is preparing for wedding, servants are cleaning and decorating the house and Pronya is very happy because she will marry at last.
Проня Faster, Faster!.. Oh, my God!.. He'll be here! Give me that necklace!.. No!.. not this one, that necklace will be better!.. Well, give me both of them!.. My darling will be here soon! He is an expert in fashion…I must be in trend… Give me a wreath too. Quickly! Hurry up!..
Well, what do you think?
Химка What a beauty!

(появляется Голохвостый с цветами)
Голохвостый Let me my dear Pronya congratulate you on this prominant day in my life and kiss your hand.
Проня Bonjour merci (целует ей руку,берутся под руку, звучат колокола) кадр 7 колокола
Муз фон 11колокола

Действие 4
(изображение церкви меняется изображением свадебного стола)
Кадр 8 стол
Муз фон полька
Голохвостов з Проней, семейная пара Сирко и местный парень с девушкой танцуют на свадьбе)

(слышится шум, грохот, появляется Секлита, кот тянет за руку Галю)
Секлита (кричит) Let me speak, let me speak.What a criminal marriage it is. He is a lier, he promised to marry my daughter Halya!
Голохвостый Who is this crazy woman? I see her at first. Please, somebody, take her away.
Галя (грустно):
No more tears to cry
No more words to lie
No more reasons to talk
No more roads to walk
No more oaths to give
No more things to believe
No more hours to pray
No more promise to say
No more souls to steal
No more heartbreak to feel
No more doors to be knocked
No more hearts to be rocked
No desires to have
No more secretes to save
No despairs to hide
It is cruelty beside

Проня What happened? I don't understand this situation. Explain me, somebody.
Секлита This mister (показывает на Голохвостого) promised to marry my daughter. (к Голохвостому)Why did you come to us if you weren’t going to marry her?
Проня Tell me that it is a lie, that you love only me.
Голохвостый Yes, I’m a bankrupt, bankrupt, I needed only your money
(Проня хватается за сердце)
Проня (поет на мотив песни Верки Сердючки «Дольче Габанна»
Муз фон 12 минус Дольче Габанна
I’m wearing a dress of Dolce&Gabanna,
I’m having a stress of this awful drama,
Now my eyes are open, the clock has stroken,
Now I feel that my hart has been so cruelly broken…)
I loved you, not your shops and botiques but YOU betrayed me.

(Срывет с себя фату и бросает ее в олохвостого)
Голохвостий If I were rich I would never marry your ugly and stupid Пронька, I would never appear in these slums where all live,
(Проня теряет сознание, родители бросаются к ней)
I would marry a beautiful and rich girl because I’m the most talented and handsome man in this city.

отец Get out of here!
Проня, ее мама, Секлита( вместе) Get out of here!
(Голохвостий важно пытается удалиться. Все бросаются за ним с кулаками, Химка с совком, Секлита с веником, он отмахивается, но ускоряется. Все покидают место действия)
Автор My dear spectators, the end of this play was predictable, because you can’t catch two hares at once and if you try you may get in such an unpleasant situation like our main character. We hope you enjoyed our acting, we wish you luck and health.
(Актеры выходят и поют финальную песню Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack) Муз фон 13
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more. (What you say?)
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.

Oh! Woman, oh woman, don't treat me so mean,
You're the meanest old woman that I've ever seen.
I guess if you said so
I'd have to pack my things and go. (That's right)

Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.

Now baby, listen baby, don't-a treat me this-a way
Cause I'll be back on my feet some day.

Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood
You ain't got no money you just ain't no good.

Well, I guess if you say so
I have to pack my things and go. (That's right)

Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.

Don't you come back no more.
(What you say)
Don't you come back no more
(Come on baby)
Don't you come back no more
(Repeat a couple times and fade)

Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: andrenatochka
Просмотров: 5332 | Загрузок: 201 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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Я - Учитель!

XVII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Цветы родного края"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Солнечное лето"
II Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Такие разные бабочки"
XIV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Созвездие талантов"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Фруктово-ягодный букет"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Семейство кошачьих"

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