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Разработка урока английского языка “Food: Let’s make a recipe together” для учащихся первого курса

СКАЧАТЬ (52.5 Kb) 05.04.2015, 15:37
Загиева Анна Валерьевна
Преподаватель английского языка, ГБОУ ПК №31 отделение "Вавиловское"
Цель урока: Формирование основных языковых навыков. Умение использовать словарный запас в диалогической речи. Развитие ситуативного общения на бытовые темы.
Воспитательная цель: Воспитывать у учащихся стремление к здоровому образу жизни, в том числе и питанию. Повышать интерес к другим культурам. Умение правильно и грамотно поддержать диалог в ресторане, кафе, в магазине.
Учебные задачи урока:
1. Развить умение восприятия необходимой информации на слух.
2. Организовать работу в группах с диалогом «»
3. Анализировать работу с текстом с целью осознать идею текста и ответить на заданные вопросы.
4. Совершенствовать лексические и фонетические навыки на тему “Food”.
Оборудование урока: видео из пособия «Total English. Chef Jamie Oliver and his recipe», ноутбук, учебник, экран, магнитофон.

Ход урока:
Ι. Организационный момент.
1. Подготовка учащихся к уроку.
T. Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Now you can sit. How are you today? Are you fine? Ok, what day is today of week? Right. And who is absent today? Are you ready to start our lesson? Well, it’s about 11 o’clock. Did you have a breakfast today? What did you have?
2. Постановка целей и задач.
T. Today we are going to speak about food. At the lesson we will work at different exercises such as: read the text, answer the questions, learn new words, repeat the grammar (countable and uncountable), watch the video, discuss the video and compare the phrases, in the end of the lesson, we`ll summarize our work. I hope we will be active.
3. Фонетическая разминка (Tongue Twisters)
T. We need to translate and repeat three times these tongue twisters. Ok, all together:
1) I wish you were a fish, in my dish.
2) Betty bought some butter,
but the butter Betty bought was bitter,
so Betty bought some better butter,
and the better butter Betty bought.
3) An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
II Основная часть урока.
1. Работа с текстом.
T. You are well-done! Take our book and open on the page 38 ex.34 (учебник по английскому языку Up&Up 10 класс). We read the text “Forever Borsh”, at the first we notice the glossary, study new words. Starts to read. (Учащиеся читают вслух по абзацам, после каждого прочитанного абзаца переводим его). It is nice, you read better. Now, answer the questions:
1) Why is not good idea to discuss the origins of borsch?
2) Why do you never say, that borsch you are eating is not the real article?
3) What is the characteristic colour of borsch given?
4) Without which there would be borsch?
5) Is never mention that borsch over-fatty or not fatty enough?
6) Why is it not traditional to add Smetana to Lithuanian or Odessa borsch?
7) Why can you never make excellent borsch in a hurry?
2. Работа с таблицей.
T. Well, now we`re doing ex.35 and ex.36. Find the words in the text to put into the table and ex.36 name the pictures and add the words from the pictures to the table.
Fruit Meat Spices Vegetables Dairy products
3. Повторение грамматики.
T. Can you remember how to use much, many, a lot of and etc? Open on the page 41, ex.3 (учебник по английскому языку English File, Pre-intermediate Student`s Book). In pairs, choose the correct word or phrase for each sentence. Say why the other one is wrong (учащиеся делают упражнение часть А). Great, look at some sentences from the reading and listening. Match the bold phrases in 1 and 2 to meanings A and B.
4. Paбота с видео:
T. Answer the questions:
1. Do you ever watch cookery programmers? Why/Why not?
2. Do you know any celebrity chefs? What do you think of them?
3. Have you learned any useful skills (e.g. cooking) from TV? If yes, what have you learned?
T. Now, we`re watching the video about one of the great chief – Jamie Oliver. (учебник по английскому языку Total English, Pre-intermediate Student`s Book). We`ll know about his recipe of salmon. After the film, you need look at the board and compare these different stages for preparing barbecued salmon. Work with another student and put them in order.
a) Wrap the fish in newspaper
b) Serve with potatoes
c) Cover the fish with plenty of fresh herbs
d) Place the fish on the barbecue
e) Wet the paper to stop it burning too quickly
f) Put salt and pepper inside and outside the fish
g) Sprinkle fennel seeds over the whole fish
h) Put slices of lemon under, inside and on the fish
III. Подведение итогов.
T. You worked active and hard at the lesson.You were very energetic. I think in future we will continue work at the same pace. I hope you have learned some new words and expressions, remembered the grammar rulers and improved their conversational skills. What activities and exercises did you do at the lesson? Your marks are good and excellent. Please, put down your homework. The lesson is over, good luck to you and see you soon.
Домашнее задание: ex. 40, p.40-41 (Up&Up, student`s book 10), read and complete the cooking instructions for a vinaigrette salad recipe. Check the verbs and the subjects; write your result in the copybook.

Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: anna2308
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Я - Учитель!

XVII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Цветы родного края"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Солнечное лето"
II Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Такие разные бабочки"
XIV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Созвездие талантов"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Фруктово-ягодный букет"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Семейство кошачьих"

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