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Использование метода исследования предметов материальной культуры на уроках английского языка

СКАЧАТЬ (1.38 Mb) 09.10.2018, 16:27
Макое Евгенья Федоровна
учитель английского языка, МБОУ «Курумканская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2»

Title of lesson: «The Sacral Object of the Prebaikal people»

Grade level: 10 – 11

Lesson duration: 90 min.

Subject Areas: Area Studies, History, Art and Culture, Music


  1. to engage students in language learning strategies and critical thinking.
  2. to introduce students to some aspects of the Buryat culture – use of the Buryat khadak.

Questions to think about the object:

  1. Why is this object important to introduce to students?
  2. What do they hope they will take away from learning about the object?


  1.  The object is important to introduce because the Buryat khadak reflects the Buryat culture that is distinctly original and unique. This object, at first sight, seems to be an ordinary thing which looks like a blue towel or a silk blue scarf, as a part of clothes. But for the Buryats the khadak is the first thing a guest can see when he meets these people. It’s a symbol of respect to guests, parents and old people. It’s also the symbol of friendliness and hospitality. In ancient times the Buryats had a tradition to treat any guests who come in their home. Before treating they received guests with this blue towel on which they laid a bowl with white food (milk or sour clotted milk). It meant that they were glad to meet a stranger and were ready to talk to him. In solemn occasions for reception of guests hosts killed ship. Nowadays, hosts also having known about coming of respectable guests, try to find a ship. Eating its meat is a sign of respect to a guest or special solemnity and importance of arriving guests. And of course before the treatment you will see blue or white khadaks the meaning of which you’ve known already.
  2. The students will take away from learning about the object the following:


  1.  is a blue silk scarf, silk towel or a blue ribbon.
  2.  reflects original and unique culture of the Buryats who belonged to the Mongolian tribes. It is also typical for all nomads - cattle – breeders in Central Asia.
  3.  was a bun of horse’s hair on the Mongolian banners in ancient times.
  4.  is mentioned in the Huns letters in 1 AD.
  5.  was the symbol of peace during the long wars between the Mongolian tribes.
  6. In the past was tied to the horns of sacred domestic animals as protection from evil spirits.
  7.  is the first thing a person can see when he gets acquainted with the Buryat culture.
  8.  can be given to guests with the white food (dairy food): milk or sour clotted milk.
  9.  can be seen on the state insignia of the Republic of Buryatia.

10)  can be often seen in the pictures of Buryatia.

11)  is the symbol of hospitality, friendliness and respect to people.

12)  can be given as a valuable present in any occasions: receiving guests, wedding, a kid’s birth etc.

13)  is the symbol of the Buddhist belief and it can be tied to any Buddhist worship things at home or in sacred places.

14)  is the symbol of the Eternal Blue Sky and a ritual thing for shamans and can be used as a prayer message to their spirits.

15)  can have four more colors: white, red, green and yellow. Each color has its spiritual meaning.

16) Pictures have sacral meaning.

17)  has another name “zalaa” which means a long ribbon, a patch of fabrics, tassels or a bun of horse’s mane.

18) has a special ritual of presentation.

19)  cannot be thrown away with trash as it is a mystic and sacral thing.

20)  is a sacred attribute which can protects the Buryats from evil spirits.

  1. is normally given to VIP by Dalai Lama.


  1. Организационный момент  (Слайд № 1)

Teacher: Hello, everyone! How are you today? (обращается к ученикам)

P1:  Im OK, thanks.

P2: I’m doing well, thank you.

Teacher: Each country has material objects which reflect its culture – traditions and customs. These cultural objects can be paintings, artifacts, historical documents, different kind of maps, ritual objects, pictograms, writing signs etc. I think it’ll be interesting to see an object you’ve never seen observe it and find out what culture it belongs to, to learn about its origin and history.

And now guess, what are we going to discuss today at the lesson?

P1: I think, we’ll speak about people’s culture and their national objects.

P2: To my mind, it’ll be a lesson of discovery of something interesting about cultural objects.

P3: I believe, I’ll learn something new about an object which I might see or hear of it.

Teacher: Thanks for your opinions. You’re quite right. Today we are going to think critically and discuss a problem on the topic «The Sacral Object of the Prebaikal people».

As you know in our country there are 83 per cent of Russians and 17 per cent are people of different nationalities. Today I would want to tell you about the Buryat people who are related to the Northern Mongolian tribes and long ago they were nomadic tribes and today they lead a settled life on the Baikal’s shores. The object you should observe, deduce and infer is a mysterious symbol which reflects the Buryat people’s culture and traditions.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: Let’s read this poem, please: (Слайд № 2)

(Ученик читает высказывание и переводит, затем учитель дает образец правильного произношения звуков и интонации, затем ученики индивидуально повторяют высказывание за учителем и окончательно хором).

 Baikal is always solemn and festive,

Magnetic and enigmatic

as natural and sacral altar of Tengrins, as a blue khadak from Supreme Being.

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XVII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Цветы родного края"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Солнечное лето"
II Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Такие разные бабочки"
XIV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Созвездие талантов"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Фруктово-ягодный букет"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Семейство кошачьих"

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