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Сценарий для старших классов "Happy Turkey Day!", посвященный Дню Благодарения в США

СКАЧАТЬ (72.0 Kb) 12.12.2013, 15:21
Автор: http://ya-uchitel.ru/stuff/0-0-3226-0-17
Степанова Ольга Михайловна
учитель английского языка, МБОУ"Чадукасинская ООШ" Красноармейского района, Чувашия

Степанова Ольга Михайловна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ"Чадукасинская ООШ" Красноармейского района, Чувашия

Сценарий "Happy Turkey Day!” , посвященный Дню Благодарения в США, составлен в целях совершенствования страноведческих знаний, навыков коммуникативной компетенции для использования как в урочной, так и во внеурочной деятельности на ярко-эмоциональной ноте.

Happy Turkey Day!
Good afternoon, everybody! Nice to see you, dear friends and dear guests! It’s fine today, isn’t it? Everybody does enjoy the golden autumn days. It’s time, you know, to have great celebrations to thank God and nature for a plentiful harvest. The American tradition to celebrate Thanksgiving Day is a good example for all the people to respect one another, to thank one another for many good and tender things they do for each other. Let’s have a small excursion into the history of this special day! (Working with multimedia presentation)
Now look at the blackboard. Let’s read this very special poem all together:
For sun and rain, for fruit and grain,
For friends we love so dearly,
For gentle moments and kindly hearts
We thank Thee, Lord, sincerely.
The Teacher cleans away the first line and asks to read the poem once more. A pupil reproduces it. Then the teacher cleans away the second line and asks to read the poem once more. The second pupil reproduces it without seeing two first lines. Then the teacher cleans away the third line and asks to read the poem again, without seeing three first lines. Finally, the teacher cleans away the fourth line, too and the pupils read the poem without seeing it at all.
Well done! We can thank God for many things we have, don’t we? Your home task was to learn some poems by heart. Let’s recite them now! ( Possible verses and poems in the Appendix 1)
Thank you! We know it’s a turkey that is the symbol of the Thanksgiving Day. And there is no wonder why we will be speaking a lot about turkeys today! Firstly our favorite rap about Mr. Turkey! Who will reproduce it the best way?
What did the chicken say on Thanksgiving Day?
The chicken said, "Hey, I’m glad I’m not a turkey. I’m glad I’m not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.”
What did the rabbit say on Thanksgiving Day?
The rabbit said, "Hey, I’m glad I’m not a turkey. I’m glad I’m not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.”
What did the turkey say on Thanksgiving Day?
The turkey said, "Hey, it’s tough to be a turkey. It’s tough to be a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.”
Great! Let’s study a turkey a little bit! Doing the next task you’ll need English-Russian dictionaries. Here you are. Take them. I’ll show you some words one by one. Who will be the first to find them? Let’s start!
wattle snood wishbone spur gobble feather hatch poult beak breast
Funny quiz especially for those who want to know more about turkeys on Happy Turkey Day! Try your hand at a turkey test! Dig in the quiz!
1. Why do we call a turkey a "turkey"?
1) A frightened turkey makes a "turk, turk, turk, turk" noise.
2) Its name stems from the word "tuka" which means "peacock" in India.
3) Its name comes from the Native American word "firkee" which rhymes with turkey.
2. When we call a man a turkey we mean he is
1) cool
2) very smart
3) stupid
3. Where did turkeys originate from?
1) Mexico
2) Turkey
3) United States
4. Every year, the president of the United States pardons a turkey and saves it from becoming a Thanksgiving feast. Where does the bird go to spend the rest of its days?
1) The White House
2) Disneyland
3) The turkey farm.
5. What do you call the bright red thing that hangs under a turkey's chin?
1) A snood.
2) A wattle
3) A beard.
6. What bird beat out the turkey to become the official bird of the United States?

1) Bald eagle
2) Swallow
3) Hawk
7. What is a young turkey called?
1) Tommy
2) Poult
3) Henny
8. What is a large group of turkeys called?
1) flock
2) folk
3) sock
9. The turkey is native to America. Who brought the turkey from America to Europe?
1) French
2) British
3) Spaniards
10. According to Statistics, which state is the top producing turkey state in America?
1) North Carolina
2) Virginia
3) Minnesota
11. He who wanted the national bird to be a turkey was
1) George Washington
2)Thomas Jefferson
3) Benjamin Franklin
12. What is the appendage that hangs over the turkey's beak called?
1) Wattle
2) Snood
3) Beard
13. Who originally domesticated the turkey?
1) The Turks
2) The Mexicans
3) The Chinese
14. What month is National Turkey Lovers' Month?
1) May
2) June
3) November
15. What is the turkey trot?
1) A ragtime dance
2) a clicking noise
3) The way a turkey runs
16. To talk turkey means:
1) to lie
2) to tell stupid things
3) to talk straight or be honest
Well done! I think it’s high time to relax! You have prepared your funny chants! Please, we are all ears!
Thank you! Our fun turkey tasks are to be continued!
We’d like to find out who is the most imaginative pupil in both groups! Make up as many sentences as you can. (Practicing conditional sentences)
If you were a turkey, where would you live?
Possible answers:
In Turkey!
In White house
in Disneyland …
If you were a turkey, what would you say?
Possible answers:
Gobble-gobble, fiddle-fiddle, hop-hop-hop, don’t eat me, don’t kill me, don’t hunt me…
If you were a turkey, how would you try to survive this Thanksgiving season?
Possible answers:
I would go to Russia. Russians don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
I would paint my feathers purple. No one would eat a purple turkey!
I would dress up as a bull.
Imagine, dear friends, what a Turkey Day without going for turkey hunting? Let’s go hunting immediately! Imagine we are in the forest and you are hunters! (one pupil from each team) Your task is to shoot and catch as many turkeys as you can. (Turkeys made of paper are hidden in the room – in the vase, on the shelf, under the book, behind the box etc) The goal of the game is to be the one to find the most turkeys and to comment using the conversational formula "The first turkey was under the book, the second turkey was in the box etc) We have coped with this task. Well.
Now, some more facts about turkeys! I see you are ready, aren’t you! Then, attention! Choose and take a turkey feather one by one, read the fact aloud and answer at once if it’s true or false.
1. The best time to see a turkey is on a warm clear day or in a light rain. T
2. Turkeys can drown if they look up when it is raining. T
3. Wild turkeys are omnivorous, surviving on a diet of seeds, small insects, acorns, leaves, grains, berries, grass, roots, bulbs, frogs, lizards, snails and worms. T
4. The female usually lays 2-3 eggs in a ground nest and waits through the 10 day gestation period. F
5. Domesticated turkeys can fly nice and far. F
6. On Thanksgiving Day in 2007, two turkeys earned a trip to Disney World. T
7. Turkey contains an amino acid that makes you sleepy. T
8. The fastest way to defrost a turkey is a hair dryer. F
9. A female turkey makes gobble-gobble sounds. F
10. A male turkey is called a rooster. F
11. Turkey eggs are tan with brown specks and are larger than chicken eggs. T
12. Turkeys don’t really have ears like ours, but they have very good hearing. T
13. Wild turkeys spend the night in trees. They especially like oak trees. T
14. Turkey is high in fat and low in protein. F
15. Turkey skins are tanned and used to make cowboy boots and belts. T
16. Turkey eggs hatch in 28 days. T
17. Wild turkeys eat seeds, acorns, and insects. T
18. Wild turkeys can run and are good fliers. Domesticated turkeys cannot fly. T
19. Turkeys cannot have heart attacks. F
20. There are three cities in the U.S. named after the Turkey in Texas, Lousiana, and North Carolina
Dear friends! Look hear, I have something interesting in my hand. (having a wishbone in the hand) Yeah, you have guessed what it is in Russian and what we use it for. Your task is to guess its name in English. That’s why I offer you to play our famous game "A wonder field”. ( Pupils name the letters one after one using the phrase "I suppose there’s the letter A in this word” )
Fantastic! It’s a wishbone! You have guessed the word so quickly! So, the last two players can try their luck! Please, let’s do it! Break your wishbone and remember: when the wishbone breaks, the person holding the larger piece is supposed to have their wish come true. So, come on! (Two pupils or the captains of the teams break the wishbone. Everybody enjoys the wishbone breaking process)
Imagine again you are a turkey. And present your posters you have to prepare as a turkey did it on the picture. (Appendix 2) Here are your paper sheats and felt tip pens. While they are preparing the audience sings Jingle Bells. Come on! ( The song’s words are on the blackboard)
Jingle Bells
Turkey Smells
Sweet Potato pie
My tummy is so full of food
I think I'm gonna cry
Lots to eat
Oh how sweet
this special time of year
Family and friends around
Thanksgiving is here.
Fine! Thanks! Now Turkeys are advertising their food for Thanksgiving! (Pupils demonstrate their posters)
Great! Now we know what food would be better and more preferable on the Thanksgiving table. Thank you! Let’s go on! It’s high time to present our turkey song show! ( Songs can be performed in pairs, trios and groups. Pupils can compose their own melodies. Some possible songs are in the Appendix 3 )
The End: every participant gets surprises – popcorn bags, chocolates, candies. And certificates of good knowledge in English speaking! A Thanksgiving tea party can be organized, too.
Appendix 1
1. For the air we breathe,
And the water we drink,
For a soul and mind
With which to think,
For food that comes
From fertile sod
For these and many things
I’m thankful to my God.
2. Thank you, God, for friendship
and love so warm and sweet.
Thank you for the little things
That make life complete.
Thank you for easing
My worry and pain.
Thank you for the sunshine
And each drop of spring rain.
3. Thank you for helping
each step of the way,
And for the feast on the table
on Thanksgiving Day.
4. I am thankful for pets.
I am thankful for school.
I am thankful when I
Can swim in a pool.
I am thankful for home
And the food that I eat.
I am thankful for all
the new friends that I meet.
5. Let’s be thankful for this day
For our friends and for our play.
Let’s give thanks for you and me
And our home and family.
6. For flowers and squirrels and birds that have wings,
For lions and tigers and all living things.
For mountains and rivers, for water and air,
For Mom and Dad who take me care.
7. For the beauty of the Earth,
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.
8. For the beauty of each hour
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flower,
Sun and moon, and stars of light,
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.
9. For the joy of ear and eye,
For the heart and mind’s delight,
For the mystic harmony,
Linking sense to sound and sight,
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.

10. For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild,
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.
Appendix 3 Приложение 3
1. If turkeys thought
they'd run away
a week before
Thanksgiving Day.
But turkeys don't
and so there's turkey
on my plate!
2. Five little turkeys by the barn door,
One waddled off, then there were four.
Four little turkeys under a tree,
One waddled off, then there were three.
Three little turkeys with nothing to do,
One waddled off, then there were two.
Two little turkeys in the noonday sun,
One waddled off, then there was one.
One little turkey better run away!
Soon will come Thanksgiving Day!
3. I have a turkey, big and fat.
He spreads his wings and walks like that.
His daily corn he would not miss.
And when he talks, he talks like this, "Gobble, gobble, gobble."
(This song has great opportunities to add hand gestures.)
4. I have a turkey, big and fat.
He spreads his wings and walks like that.
His daily corn he would not miss.
And when he talks, he talks like this, "Gobble, gobble, gobble."
(This song has great opportunities to add hand gestures.)
5. Gobble, gobble who was that
Mr. Turkey big and fat
Gobble, gobble what does he say
Meet me on Thanksgiving day!
6. This is a cute little song that is easy for the kids to learn. They can strut around the center like little turkeys too!
"Flap your Wings
Shake your Tail
Turn around now
hit the trail.
If you're a turkey
it's time to trot
and stay away from
the roasting pot.
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble,
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble,
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble,
7. Five Little Turkeys sitting in a pen.
The First one says "It's Farmer Ben"
The Second one says "It's Thanksgiving Day!"
The Third one says "Lets run away!"
The Fourth one says "We're in trouble."
The Fifth one says "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!"
When Farmer Ben opens the gate, the five little turkeys all escape.
8. I eat turkey
I eat turkey
Yes, I do
Yes, I do
Turkey in my tummy
Yummy, yummy, yummy
Good for me
Good for you!
9. I have a little turkey
with feathers on his back,
I have a little turkey
with feathers on his back.
I get my little turkey
I spread some butter on,
I put it in the oven
and eat later on!
(then you say....)
Yum, Yum, what a good turkey I just ate!!! and pretend to leak your fingers, then said haaaaaaa!
11. Five fat turkeys are we.
We spent all night in a tree.
When the cook came around,
we couldn't be found!
So that's why we're here you see!
Appendix 4

Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: colocolchic
Просмотров: 1924 | Загрузок: 175 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 1.0/2

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XVIII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Умелые ручки"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Зимняя сказка"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Волшебный мир сказок"
IV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Жил да был Снеговичок"
IX Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Вальс снежинок"
XIX Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
IV Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
IV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Рождественское чудо"

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