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Сценарий на английском языке "Сладкое сражение Sweet Fight" для старших классов

СКАЧАТЬ (50.5 Kb) 05.12.2013, 14:24
Автор: http://ya-uchitel.ru/stuff/0-0-3226-0-17
Степанова Ольга Михайловна
учитель английского языка, МБОУ"Чадукасинская ООШ" Красноармейского района, Чувашия
Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to our Sweet Fight! Well, you will be today the witnesses of two sweet teams! Here they are – meet them! (Applauds) The first fighters are Chocolates and the second ones are Biscuits! Our aim is to show which of you are the best in speaking English and in doing some sweet things. Ready! Steady! Go!
Captains, will you please present your V-cards?
Supposed V-cards:
We are biscuits, crispy treat
We are ready to compete!
Tea with biscuits is tip-top!
Welcome to our biscuit shop!
Our motto:
Tea with biscuits is meal of winners!

We are sweets, delightful and cool
Our kisses make you drool!
We are always expected treats.
We make delicious tummies and lips!
Our Motto:
A sweet a day
Keeps your boring mood away!

OK, nice to see you . We wish you success and good luck and let’s start! You can see two nice proverbs on the blackboard, but one word is missing in each of them Can you guess, please, what a word is to be there? (Teams read one by one several times until they guess. But if they don’t guess, the theacher will open it)
Cookies are made of butter and …………….. (~Norwegian Proverb)
………………. are sweet, but they never take the place of food. Igbo Proverb
The answer is: Cookies are made of butter and LOVE (~Norwegian Proverb)
WORDS are sweet, but they never take the place of food. Igbo Proverb

Attention! Our tongues will be best judges today. They’ll taste our first sweet task! Challenge of a tongue twister. Here are some very tasty of them. We are all ears!
(The teams are offered a funny sweet poem as a tongue twister . After some training each team presents them in chorus. Each member says it three times one by one, one after another, by heart. The task is measured by seconds and minutes: how much time will it take them to say it? )

Tongue Twister:
Sweets are fun, Sweets are yum!
But too much sugar is bad for your tum!"

Now a duel ! There is a nice sweet tooth saying
If your sweet tooth says candy - your wisdom tooth says… Cerreta. By the way, it is a Slogan of the Cerreta Candy Company in Glendale, Arizona (cerreta.com) Your task is to throw away the word Cerreta and instead of it you may use the very wise one instead. For example , If your sweet tooth says candy - your wisdom tooth says…English! (Mother, nature, Peace etc)

Well done! Attention now! You have already noticed, there is a magic tree at our party full of different sweets. But some of them are real, some are false. Your task is to pick real sweets as more as you can. Please, try your luck! Let’s check which of you is the luckiest one? ( Each team one after another picks sweets)
After doing the Task

Fine! Congratulations! Our fight is going on! Now we’ll try to write a sweet dictation marathon! I will spell you some sweet words and you will write them on the sweet shaped pieces of paper. The rule is that every member comes up to my table running, writes a word and comes back to his or her team and the next member comes and does the same task writing another sweet word. Ok? Let’s start then!
(The words for a dictation marathon are s-u-g-a-r, j-a-m, c-a-k-e, s-h-e-r-b-e-t, w-a-f-e-r, t-o-f-f-e-e, m-a-r-m-a-l-a-d-e. Firstly the participant has to listen spelling and then he/she must write down what a word it is)

Ok, The jury will check your sweet words and meanwhile
Wow! Well done! You are so quick! Our Sweet Fight is going on! You have now to do A Sweet Quiz! You are ready, I see. They work together in teams and circle the right answer:
1. The word ’sweet’ meant at first …medicine, bread, flower
2. Marmalade is a word that came from the …Italian, French, German… language.
3. The word ‘marmalade’ means ‘Mary is…happy, clever, ill
4. A round sweet covered with bright paper held by a stick is …ice-cream, lollypop, bubble-gum
5. A sweet yellow food which is made by bees is…oil, butter, honey
6. A dried grape used in cakes and puddings is …peas, raisin, cherry
7. Slightly sour thick milk , often mixed with a fruity flavoring is …yoghourt, cottage cheese, sour cream
8. What did Winnie the Pooh like best of all? …pie, honey, chewing gum
9. The Lord gives biscuits to he who has …teeth, mouth, tongue. Corsican Proverb
10. Cookies are made of butter and… respect, love, tenderness. ~Norwegian Proverb
11. Stolen ….vegetable, fruit, flower… is sweetest
12. When you like sweet things you have a sweet tooth, mouth, lips
13. "If you are bitter at heart, … sweet, chocolate, sugar… in the mouth will not help you” Yiddish Proverb quotes
14. "A man without a mustache is like a cup of… coffee, lemonade, tea… without sugar”. English Proverb quotes
15. Sweet things are bad …for, to, in… the teeth.
16. Honey on the tongue, gall in the … hands, heart, head.
17. … Honey, marmalade, jam… catches more flies than vinegar
18. Burned … cakes, pies, biscuits … will not make a warm house.
19. Cookie today, crumb …tomorrow, yesterday, Sunday….
20. Candy floss or cotton candy was invented by Americans, British, Italians .
While the teams do the quiz the audience can perform their sweet poems and everyone gets a prize – candies and cookies.
As soon as the teams are ready, they read aloud their questions , one by one checking the answers.
(Answers in: Attachment 1)
Well done! I am sure You have just found out lots of interesting facts about a sweet empire!
The next task is to act out a sweet story . The story is not prepared before. It will be read just now by the teams and will be acted out in some time! May be in 5 minutes! Be quick, please! See Attachment 2. While the teams are reading and training the play, I invite the audience to enter an auction, will you? You have to find out a sweet word and declare it by the sentence "I have got a wafer!” Who will be the last to name any sweet word? That one will receive some very sweet thing from me!
(After auction)
Well, Our applauds and congratulations to our winner! Now it’s high time to invite you to our sweet theatre! Which of the teams will be the best on the scene? Dear actors, you are welcome!
(After watching the performance)
By the way, what a great piece of luck we have prepared for you! I have two big sweets for you, you see. (they are made of lots of wrapped paper(it can be newspapers ) One for the Biscuits and the other is for the Sweets! Just imagine, there is a little real sweet in each of them inside these big sweets! Your task is to find this real sweet hidden inside! Which of you will be the quickest to find it? Three! Two! One! Start!
(After having done the task)

Well done!
I must say any scene isn’t a scene without songs, is it? I am sure you do want to present now your sweet songs, don’t you? (The teams present their songs. Any English song can be sweet for them)
After performing their songs:
Now while jury counting the scores I gonna to present you an excellent action song. Firstly we’ll watch it, then the teams will present it . Which of you will be the most artistic?
The action song: Who took the cookie from the cooking jar? (You can download it here
http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/two/who-took-the-cookie/) Attachment 3.
Super funny action song! (You’ll never regret doing that!)

Teams perform their action songs

Dear boys and girls! Dear guests! You are witnesses that sometimes fights can be so sweet, can’t they? Now you can share your very opinions, please.
Supposed answers of the participants :
The fight was great, fantastic, funny!
I liked the sweet fight!
I enjoyed the day.
The sweet fight did my day! etc
The award ceremony.
Everyone gets Certificates of Awarenes for participating in the sweet fight and some sweet things.
The End.


Attachment 1.
1. Madicine
2. French
3. Ill
4. Lollypop
5. Honey
6. Raisin
7. Yoghourt
8. Honey
9. Teeth
10. Love
11. Fruit
12. Tooth
13. Sugar
14. Tea
15. For
16. heart
17. honey
18. Biscuits
19. Tomorrow
20. Americans

Attachment 2.

Mom: There is much work in the kitchen, kids, will you help me to wash up?
Sue: Yes, Mummy, we shell help you. Ben, let’s help Mummy?
Ben: Sorry, I can’t, because I am not here. I am in Australia now (continues to read a book)Oh, kangaroo? What a funny animal! And here is a famous Kookaburra that can laugh. How interesting!
Mom: But where is Ben, Sue?
Sue: Mom, he is not at home. He is in Australia now. He is travelling about the country of kangaroos now. I will help you.
Mom: Oh my little helper, thank you. I see, Ben is a lazy bone. Let’s teach him a lesson, my Dear. I have two delicious cakes today, one for you and one for Ben. And now you may have both.
Sue: Why? And Ben?
Mom: But Ben is in Australia now. We don’t know when he will come from there. His cake may spoil. So eat your cake and Ben’s too.
Sue: Oh thank you, Mom! I like these cakes very much!
Mom: I know you have a sweet tooth.
Ben: ( coming in) It was very interesting. Wow, what is that on your lips?
Sue: hmmm, don’t you guess? Cream. I have just eaten two cakes, mine and yours.
Ben: Mine, too? I want a cake , too.
Sue: Oh Ben, you were in Australia, weren’t you? The cake didn’t want to wait. It would spoil.
Ben: Really? What a pity…

Attachment 3.

How to Play "Who took the cookie from the cookie jar"
Someone from outside the circle hides a cookie (or a small toy) in one of the players’ hands. The group tries to find out who has the cookie singing:

Group: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? (name of a child) took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Child: Who me?
Group: Yes, you!
Child: Not me!
Group: Then who?
Child: (name of another child)
Group: (child) took the cookie from the cookie jar.

In fact the game goes on until the group finds out who has the cookie.

Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: colocolchic
Просмотров: 1677 | Загрузок: 107 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1

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Я - Учитель!

XVIII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Умелые ручки"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Зимняя сказка"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Волшебный мир сказок"
IV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Жил да был Снеговичок"
IX Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Вальс снежинок"
XIX Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
IV Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
IV Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Рождественское чудо"

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