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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Tour to Liverpool" 10 класс

СКАЧАТЬ (13.46 Mb) 10.12.2014, 18:17
Моисеева Анастасия Геннадиевна
Учитель английского языка, МБОУ СОШ №7
Моисеева Анастасия Геннадиевна
учитель английского языка,
Внеклассное мероприятие в 10 классе

Тема: Tour to Liverpool

Цель урока: развитие и закрепление знаний и умений по теме «Tour to Liverpool»
Задачи урока:
познакомить учащихся с одним из городов Англии – Ливерпулем;
закрепить изученную лексику;
тренировать навыки чтения на английском языке;
развивать память, мышление, внимание;
тренировать монологические навыки;
повышать интерес к изучению английского языка;
развивать культуру общения на иностранном языке.


личностные: формирование уважительного отношения к культуре других стран;
формирование положительного отношения к познавательной деятельности;
развитие желания изучать иностранный язык;
регулятивные: формирование умения регулировать учащимися своей учебной деятельности;
развитие умения планировать алгоритм ответа;
познавательная: развитие умения чтения, письма, аудирования;
коммуникативные: формирование умения работать в группе;
формирование навыков слушать собеседника
Тип урока: урок-путешествие
Форма работы: групповая, индивидуальная
Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация к уроку, компьютер, проектор, колонки, доклады учащихся.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент
Hello, children! I’m glad to see you!
Who is duty today? Go to the board, please. Write the date, please.
Ученик записывает дату на доске
II. Объявление темы урока и постановка целей
Учитель: Today we are having a special lesson. We will visit one of the cities of Great Britain. This is Liverpool. (Звучит музыка «Yesterday» (piano version), (Слайд 1). So, Liverpool is a stylish city steeped in history and rich in cultural heritage. (Слайд 2). There are a lot of museums, galleries, theatres, two magnificent cathedrals – the Anglican and Metropolitan, which are linked by the appropriately named Hope Street.
III. Активизация навыков монологической речи
1) Учитель: Our students have prepared some reports and we are going to listen to them. The first student will tell about museums and galleries of Liverpool.
Ученик: If you stroll around William Brown Street, you can visit the Walker Art Gallery, with its fine collection of pre-Raphaelites, classic art and Greco-Roman statues (Слайд 3-4).
At St. George’s Hall, one of the finest examples of neo-classical architecture in the country (Слайд 5-6).
At World Museum Liverpool you can see everything from mummies to mammoths, in a museum where traditional exhibits meet new technology
(Слайд 7).
A very short walk away you will find the National Conservation Centre, where the work of the conservator is illustrated with a series of hands-on exhibitions and activities (Слайд 8).
The Bluecoat is the oldest building in the Liverpool city centre and the oldest art venue of its kind in the UK. It offers displays of arts and crafts, as well as quirky shops and dining upstairs (Слайд 9).
The Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT) is a hotbed for cutting edge multimedia art – as well as a cinema, café and performance space (Слайд 10).
Keeping with art at the Albert Dock you can visit Tate Liverpool (слайд 11) alongside the Merseyside Maritime Museum (слайд 12) and learn more about the role Liverpool has played in the world at the moving and thought-provoking International Slavery Museum (слайд 13).
Further afield you can visit Sudley House in Aigburth, a former merchant’s house in beautiful grounds (слайд 14-16).
The Catalyst Science Discovery Centre in Widnes (слайд 17) – a fascinating hands-on glimpse into the world of chemicals, particularly popular with children. We even lay claim to the world’s only Lawnmower Museum, which is located in Southport.
2) Учитель: Thanks. Very good. There are many museums and galleries in the city and impossible to imagine Liverpool without music. The second student will tell about music of Liverpool.
Ученик: The Beatles (слайд 18) changed the way pop music was viewed and appreciated throughout the world, and influenced generations of musicians to come. From die-hard fans to casual admires, Beatles fans are always blown away by a visit to Liverpool. You can see the places where the Fab Four grew up – in the case of John and Paul, via a trip to their now National Trust owned childhood homes. You can visit the evocative Beatles Story at the Albert Dock (слайд 19). You can take a Magical Mystery Tour, buy all kinds of mementoes and, easiest of all, just walk around Mathew Street, calling in to the Cavern (слайд 20), and maybe having your picture taken next to the famous John Lennon statue (слайд 21).
The small clubs have a fine history of producing big bands – the likes of Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Space and, of course, The Beatles, all served their musical apprenticeship in the backstreet clubs of the city. A must for all Beatles fans, the Casbah is the place where it all began. Original Beatles venue that remains unchanged complete with rooms painted by the famous four (слайд 22).
The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra is world-renowned. And offers an outstanding programme of classical music at its beautiful art deco hall. You can also see world music, folk, blues and high-quality pop acts there (слайд 23).
3) Учитель: Very well. Thanks. Sports stands alongside music as one of most famous exports – and the name of Liverpool Football Club is probably as likely to be known in far-flung corners of the earth as The Beatles (слайд 24).
About the sport will tell the next student.
Ученик: For the visitor, there is so much to see and do. You can take a tour of either Anfield or Goodison Park, home to Liverpool FC and Everton FC respectively. Liverpool has a record that is unmatched in the UK, and at Anfield you can even be photographed with the Champions League Trophy (слайды 25-26).
Liverpool Football Club (слайд 27) is one of the oldest and most famous football grounds in the world. Anfield has long since become synonymous with LFC and the amazing success achieved by The Reds.
The Grand National at Aintee is one of the best-known horse races in the world. If you come for one of the meetings, you will be sure to get a thrill from the big race atmosphere, as well as the social buzz as the people of Liverpool and beyond dress up in their finery for a day at the races (слайд 28).
Not far away is Haydock Park in St.Helens, which also hosts some top-class horse racing. The UK’s most visited racecourse (слайд 29).
Rugby League is big ‘up north’ – and nowhere more so than in St.Helens, home to ‘Saints’ RLFC. The most successful side of the modern era (слайд 30).
4) Учитель: Thanks for your interesting information.
Liverpool was successfully inscribed as a World Heritage July 2004, under the theme “The supreme example of a commercial port at the time of Britain’s greatest global influence”. No visit to Liverpool, therefore, would be complete without visiting a place of such historic importance (слайд 31).
UNESCO seeks to encourage the presentation, identification, protection, preservation of the cultural and natural heritage around the world that is considered to be of outstanding universal value to humanity (слайд 32).
So it is naturally a great honour that Liverpool is acknowledged for its history architectural and technological heritage how they are of international significance receiving the coveted accolade of become a World Heritage city (слайд 33).
5) Учитель: Now our lesson is ending and let sing song of Liverpool’s band “The Beatles” (слайд 34).
Учащиеся вместе с учителем поют песню “Yellow submarine” (звучит аудиозапись)

“Yellow Submarine”
In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines

So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all on board
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

As we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and sea of green
In our yellow submarine.

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in our yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

III. Подведение итогов урока
Учитель: Maybe you have some questions? Thank you for the lesson! Our lesson is over. Goodbye! (слайд 35), (звучит аудиозапись The Beatles - “Yesterday”)

Категория: Конкурс "Я - Учитель 2014!" - Основное и среднее (полное) образование | Добавил: AnastasiaGM
Просмотров: 1295 | Загрузок: 55 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1

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Я - Учитель!

XVII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Животные - наши друзья"
XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Цветы родного края"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Солнечное лето"
II Всероссийский педагогический конкурс "Профессиональные достижения педагога"
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XI Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Такие разные бабочки"
VII Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Фруктово-ягодный букет"
V Всероссийский творческий конкурс "Семейство кошачьих"

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